Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Kookaburra on My Fence

I came home after a long day of work and went outside just to water the flowers. I had the feeling someone was watching me, when I noticed a kookaburra sitting on our fence. It did not get scared by my walking around, it just looked at me with the sort of indifference I would look at a magpie. Meanwhile, I got so excited to see it, I mean I've waited for this bird to come for the entire three years since we moved to Australia! I wanted to jump and scream, run and pet the blue feathers, and just fly with it! I love kookaburras! The laughing kookaburra is not only a gorgeous member of the kingfisher family with a laughing call, but also an incredibly docile and friendly bird. This one sat on the fence while I got closer and closer to it, and it did not move even when I got at one arm's length from it shooting pictures (such as the one below). With its short punk hair and two vividly black eyes attached to the sides of its beak, this kookaburra truly seemed to want to chat with me. It is still difficult for me to believe that I live in a big city (in a suburb, ok, but quite close to the center) and so many wild birds and animals visit my garden.

1 comment:

  1. Had U been pregnant since then because that's what it means
