Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I started writing today's blog about highways in Melbourne when I realized I got diverted towards LA... I found myself in a virtual commute of thousands of miles, when I got stuck, not in traffic, but in parallels. Not those circling the planet, but those in my head... I moved so much around, yet, I stayed enough in each place where I've lived so far, that I cannot see them without all previous places somewhere in the background. Like parallel slices of white bread in a ham and cheese sandwich, my picture of Macin's streets with old, discolored houses runs overlapping with that of back streets in Bryn Mawr (US) and that of Mount Waverley (Oz) courts, groves and parades. This happens to me so often, I get disoriented. The more I change places, the more I see them stacked with the old ones. I walked to the train station the other morning and a pink camellia lit my memory of the California gardens surrounding our apartment in Arcadia. Were they camellias or roses in Macin and in Bryn Mawr? I walked through this parallel images and memories and I forgot where I was. Not as if I got lost, but as in "I was in all places in the same time."

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