Friday, June 15, 2012


Koalas and kangaroos form the stereotypical image of Australia. However, walking around a park on a suspended walkway and hearing the slow motion of a koala's jaws munching on eucalyptus leaves makes you open your arms to invite the koala for a cuddle. Their fur feels like dirty, dry hair, although by looking at the sweet sleepy koala, you'd think it has the softest fur (sorry for all the adjectives, it's Friday night and my brain is a sloth). They sleep about twenty hours a day, because they only eat eucalyptus leaves, which are toxic and contain very limited amounts of nutrients and energy. Watching a koala sleep on its tummy with all four limbs hanging like tassels from a tree branch or rolled up like a piece of dough is priceless. It's the image of sleep.

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