Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hard Work (!?!)

Here are three stories from my daily life in Oz. Story #1. Months ago a storm knocked down a part of our fence. It is an old fence. Our landlord didn't rush to fix it or to replace the broken area of the fence, but eventually, he had to. This past Tuesday, someone dropped off timber for a new fence in front of the yard. They just threw it carelessly on the lawn next to the footpath. On Wednesday, someone came and removed the old fence. On Thursday, nobody came because there were showers in the morning. On Friday morning at 7AM someone came and cut some vegetation that was obstructing the fence building in the back. They threw tree branches and trunks over the lawn, as if they hated my garden, knocking off some of our plants. I don't know... Are they waiting for me to clean the mess? If its their job and I'm just the tenant, why should I clean up? Story #2. I went to one of the few Post Offices open on a Saturday morning. The line extended outside, and two people in front of me were sipping coffee calmly. I read lots of Jamie Oliver recipes from his latest book, which The Post (that's what they call the Post Office here) sells for $50 ($27 on This line is common sight on a Saturday morning, because the Post is open only from 9 to 5 during the week and most are closed on week-ends. Story #3. The real state company that manages our property for its actual owner is supposed to fix everything around our house (rental). For the last three weeks I emailed and called once a week asking them to do number of jobs, all common sense, such a trimming the trees that are growing over the Hills Hoist, repair the light fixture that cannot hold light bulbs in one bathroom, etc, but they don't respond to my emails and when I call, they rush to hang up on me as soon as they hear that I have PROBLEMS. What do all these stories have in common? I am guessing the lack of desire to work hard. And much more... Unrelated, but a favorite of mine, today's picture shows an Australian eagle. Tiziano took the picture in the Flinders Ranges, when we didn't know where to look first, at the magnificent landscape or the surprises in the sky...

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