Sunday, August 9, 2015

Day 8 - Back to Bucharest

We left Macin and my parents and drove to Bucharest - thank you, Elena! Smooth drive through the Baragan plains, warm and breezy... Of the almost 180 miles, only 50  were on a two-lane highway, when we approached Bucharest. The rest was on roads with one lane each way shared with horse-drawn carriages and bikes. But first, we crossed the Danube on the ferry boat.  It was hot enough for others to travel with minimalist wardrobes...
Understandably, the ride was long... But the company was great, sky seemed powdered in sugar, and the land was colorfully split in lots with sunflowers, corn, wheat, and more...

Finally in Bucharest again, and back to civilization again, we walked on Calea Victoriei from the University Square to the Romanian Atheneum. This is one of the most beautiful music halls I've ever seen- in the background below...
Even if they forgot to turn on the lights 😉, I loved its ghost behind this billboard announcing the "Festival Dilema" (yes, dilemma).  Thinking back about Macin, my dilemma from the past 40 years is why can't Romania build a bridge over the Danube at Braila! Such a bridge would spare me from watching confused people run in speedos on ferry boats and would strengthen Dobrudja's economy tremendously. Both are very important reasons.
The day ended at a really special boutique restaurant, Chocolat. Merci, Elena! 
1. Cardio detox (yum if you add honey to sweeten it). 2. Salt and pepper mills with futuristic design that led Chloe into thinking that it was an anti mosquito spray 😆. 3. Gorgeous "martisor" dessert. 4. Menu encyclopedia with pictures.  

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