Friday, May 4, 2012

Let's go on a daily trip!

This is my first blog and the first entry in a diary that will describe little facets of living Down Under after having lived on two other continents, Europe and America, and two other cultures, Romanian and American. Why should I describe and comment on life here? Because all of you, my friends and far-living family members, were curious about life in Australia and asked me many questions about it, but I could never give more than occasional snapshots and incomplete answers. I will now try to fulfill this well justified curiosity. Most of you wonder why we (my family) keep moving or why we don’t settle. You probably think we do not have a home, but we perceive our family of three as the “home”. Not a house, a city, a country or a continent. Our parents have an address in our hearts and we try our best to communicate with them and rush to them as if they were around the corner. It took me more than two years to adapt to life here and only now do I feel capable of writing about my experiences. I will take you onboard my current journey Down Under, but memories and links to the past will accompany us permanently. I invite you to visit my blog every day, because this is how often I would like to share with you my experiences and impressions about Australia. In these two and a half years of driving on the left, calling my friends “mates”, plugging my computer in a 220-Volt outlet, and watching in awe how the mercury in the thermometer hikes up or down 20 centigrades in a matter of hours, I accumulated stories to talk about for the next couple of years, maybe until my next journey to another continent… Why "sunnyrain"? Well, I will let you read about that tomorrow.

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