Saturday, June 2, 2012

School Stuff (2)

I am the type of parent who feels responsible for her child's education. I believe that alone neither school nor parents can shape and polish the education of a child. They have to work on it together. For Chloe's first years of school in California, I loaded a bookshelf with work she brought home from school. Every day she brought home pages of work pulled from books or notebooks on which she had worked in class that day. Her backpack was filled with drawings, scribbled notes and colored paper glued into tiniest and sometimes funniest school projects. She had papers on math, science, writing and spelling, social studies and what not. In Oz her backpack comes home empty! Except for one day every two months, when I find a lonely sheet of paper crumbled up at the bottom of the backpack with the summary of what the entire level does during that period. A level is covered in two years. Level 1 covers kindergarten and prep, level 2 covers years 1 and 2, and so on. In conclusion, I have no idea what exactly my daughter does in school every day, every week and every term for an entire year. If I ask Chloe what she does in school, she tells me a few things, but it's only what a kid wants to talk about after six and a half hours in school. Not much. When I check her homework, given for one week, I can sometimes guess what she studied in school, but I never have a clear idea. Twice a year I receive a school report in which my daughter is evaluated on a lot of things, each with a sophisticated name that does not tell me anything concrete and does not help me work with the school on her education... It's a maze in which I am trapped in, at least for now.

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