Thursday, September 20, 2012

Aussie Footy and Sydney Swans

This is a short blog. I confess I do not know much about the Aussie rules football (footy) and just seeing these men tackle each other on TV, just like the American football players do, except without any body protection, I just cover my eyes and run away. It seems to me that it is a hybrid of soccer and rugby, and if it wasn't for Footy Day today in schools, I doubt I would have written much... The last day of the third term in Aussie Schools is frequently Footy Day, and kids are allowed to wear the colors of the team they support, they have a BBQ, and you get the idea, it's not much schooling going on. During the following two weeks of school holidays, the most significant events are the footy semifinals and Grand Final. My daughter roots for the Sydney Swans team, like my friend Debra. The team used to be in Melbourne, but many years ago financial problems led to its relocation. Club colors? Red and white, as you see in my picture. I will let you know if they win the AFL final!

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