Saturday, September 8, 2012

No worries!

(Note: I forgot to post this yesterday! Sorry to those who looked for my daily post) “No worries” is used by Aussies like "no problem!" in the US. However, I found a fundamental difference between the two sayings. I wonder what you think... I “reckon” that the meaning of "No problem" refers directly to the source. It lets you know that whatever you did was not an issue. On the other hand, "no worries" has to do with the effect or the impact of the problem. In other words, yes, it was a problem, but don't worry about it, "she'll be right!" Did I just say that??? Maybe, I am also becoming Aussie, but I think "no worries" marries into the "she'll be right" attitude of "I cannot be bothered, it will turn out fine!" Now about today's picture, what could I post for such a subject? I came up with the photo of a group of fruit bats or flying foxes that are hanging in a tree in the Northern Territory. I am not sure if they think this, but to me they definitely exhibit a "no worries" attitude!

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