Thursday, November 8, 2012

How close can you come with nature?

This is an encounter that took place in a park, but it’s very typical to have very close friendly encounters with wildlife in this country. It’s also possible to have extremely unfriendly encounters, such as those with sharks, crocs and venomous snakes, but I’ve already talked about our scary encounter with a brown snake in a river in the Northern Territory... So the encounter with a koala taking a stroll, relaxing, posing, or just interacting with us happened in the Koala Conservation Centre in Phillip Island. The walkway literally takes visitors through the gum trees in which live the koalas. I believe the animals are almost domesticated, because with so many visitors, they just climb down onto the suspended walkway. I do not have a picture for another friendly encounter, but while walking on a street in Sydney, very close to the centre, a crimson rosella landed on my head. It didn’t peck or anything, but I am sure it was a bird used to getting food from people, so just tried to see what it could get from me. I almost felt guilty for not stocking up on food for it, but I had nothing to offer, so the rosella flew off afterwards… Kangaroos and wallabies often lie down or graze close to the walkways of national parks and as long as you don’t approach them, they continue their activities while keeping an eye on you. This richness and the closeness with wildlife are unique to Australia and deeply touch my heart.

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