Friday, January 11, 2013

The Pinnacles (Western Australia)

This is a difficult post. So many people used a lot of different words to describe the stone pillars you see in my picture that crystallize from the mustard-colored sand, how am I going to say anything new or appealing about them? I can only tell you how I felt in their presence, as this must be a unique feeling. I walked in the Nambung National Park, which includes The Pinnacles, with the feeling I normally have when I walk in a cemetery. I imagined that just like under each heavy stone is buried a body that one day carried a light soul, the same way under each pinnacle were buried thousands of marine life bodies, trees, and other forms of life, which one very ancient day ago thrived with the boiling spirit of nature. Of life. But unlike in a cemetery, here sand plays hide-and-seek with the remainings, uncovering them from the past (indeed, just about 6000 years ago the pinnacles were hidden under the sand) and remodeling them in the endless game with the wind (the shape and gently rounded corners of some pinnacles are the result of this game).
And as if this beauty is not enough, visit The Pinnacles at sunset, when the light palette is so rich, I was sure to be on a different planet…

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