Sunday, May 6, 2012

Blogging for writing!

I do not suffer of writer’s block and therefore I cannot use it as an excuse, but I do struggle with finding a quiet corner in which to ostracize myself from the daily hurly-burly and write. I am also a fast writer but a slow “re-writer"; the equivalent of a construction worker putting up a house in a week and finishing the interior walls in five years. I believe that a daily blog helps me commit to finding and using my “writer’s corner” every day and adds to my general writing experience, which in turn invigorates my book writing skill. It remains to be seen... My quiet corner is sometimes the car seat, because my daily commute to work of 20 km takes me through 30-40 unsynchronized traffic lights and a few areas of LA-like traffic. I am my iPad’s car seat and as soon as I see a yellow light turning in the distance and a wave of paired, small red lights flashing in front of me, I start typing down. Many other times my quiet corner is the hour between 5AM and 6AM during the work week. It’s not a physical corner, I know, but the silence solidifies the time and I can sit down anywhere in the house and write. More recently, re-write. On week-ends I reach the peak of productivity, with 5-6 hours of writing and re-writing, often in one long stretch. I sit on the sofa in the 6m x 6m living room facing the golden ash tree that hugs the room and the two walls of windows of the living room. Somewhere in the middle of an arching branch we hang a block of bird seeds, and the only things that interrupt my writing other than Chloe’s chirp are the hullabaloo of the rainbow lorikeets eating the seeds and the barking of the dogs playing in the park behind our golden ash filled garden. I am lucky, I know… I will blog about our garden in suburban Melbourne, Australia tomorrow, but for now, this is a picture of a lorikeet. I am not sure if he’s eyeballing the food or my blog!


  1. I think he wants (who wouldn't?) your iPad! :)

  2. I now expect a "Like" button on most sites that I visit - where is the button for this blog post? :) Obviously I've been exposed to an unhealthy level of Facebook radiation :)

  3. I will try to add the button, but I am a novice blogger and I will have to figure out how to do this. Any suggestions for improving my blog and blog site are welcome! Thank you!
