Friday, May 11, 2012

Sunny Rain Down Under

It just occurred to me that I forgot to mention one of the most fascinating things about Melbourne that fits perfectly into my blog theme, sunnyrain. I am not sure if the climate here is a meteorologist’s nightmare or delight, but weather’s variety undoubtedly entitles Melbournians to claim that they have “four seasons in one day” as much as the Angelinos are entitled to say they have “one year-long season”. Northerly winds blow hot air from the Outback and the Southerly winds blow chilled air from Antarctica. Best recipe for sunnyrain! It’s a beautiful autumn now. I leave the house wearing a heavy jacket, a scarf, a sweater, and a thin top. Onion—I know! I open the umbrella to go outside, while on my arm the purse is loaded, among other things, with sunscreen, sunglasses and sunhat. Most likely, I will use them all, because the temperature will rise like in a broken refrigerator, the rain will vanish bullied out by the forceful winds, and one rainbow later, the sun will lounge lazily atop my head. The many times I got sunburnt or drenched taught me to travel with this arsenal of suddenly-changing-weather-coping tools, and if you see me decorated with sunglasses and umbrella in the same time, it’s nothing extreme. It’s just another day in Melbourne!


  1. Beautifully said! I bet it is exciting to live even one day in Melbourne :) How boring San Diego must look when viewed from Down Under!

  2. We missed rain when we lived in LA. Who would have thought that too good weather can become a bit boring? I counted today seven showers with sunny skies in between.
