Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Aussie Drivers License

I talked about driving on the "wrong" side of the road here in Oz. Left side, that is. I talked a little bit about highways here, too. It's time to mention how easy it was to get a drivers license and just get off my driveway, turn left from the left side of the road, but struggle not to slide into that empty right lane, where I used to drive for the past twenty thousand miles before moving to Oz. Two days after moving to Melbourne, we got up early in the morning (didn't have to, really) and drove the "hire car" to VicRoads. We showed our valid American drivers licenses and asked for Australian ones. We paid what seemed a bribe, but it was just a fat fee for processing the request, had a picture taken and received the Australian licenses on the spot! No questions asked, no driving test, no vision exam. Easy peasy! So, yes, I struggled and my hands were wet on that steering wheel the first time I turned into a busy road. And I got stuck allowing everyone else to pass at the first roundabout, because I forgot who had priority. Not to mention that on streets shared with trams in the CBD (downtown), I'd need to be a sort of traffic contorsionist and perform the hook turn to go right. Yet, outside the city, all you need to worry about is the wildlife it seems... (look at this picture from South Australia)

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