Sunday, May 20, 2012

Parenthesis I

Two weeks have passed since I started this blog! Every night or morning I calmly sit down and type my thoughts away with a sense of excitement and duty. It is like a self-imposed homework, but I am the self-conscious student who knows her writing will only improve if she writes every day. What I haven't achieved yet is letting you know about how I feel in these Australian adventures, how I react to new things, new habits, and to everything that challenges what I am used to. Do I get crazy, mad, sad, frustrated, elated? I am looking back at my blog, or I should say "I'm scrolling down", and I see something like Thomas The Engine pulling behind wagons of uneven sizes and loud colors. They carry the load I meant to put in my blog, but the choppiness of the train reveals its infantile structure and wobbly balance of descriptions and feelings. I will probably come back to some of the subjects, where the gaps I left are too deep. For example, I haven't elaborated enough on fauna and flora. Have I told you about our encounters with venomous snakes? And I still have to add a lot to the public transit and driving subjects. Finally, every picture I inserted so far in my blog is a little sister of the truly professional pictures Tiziano and I post on our smugmug web page: I hope you enjoy browsing the comprehensive galleries we posted there! In today's picture is the Eureka tower. Eureka!

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