Saturday, August 4, 2012

Flat as!

Melbourne is flat as! (Note: Aussie way of "as" usage to replace "very" with adjectives. It's hot as! You're late as!) Anyway, I declared a while ago that this city goes through a crisis of stairs. In CBD (Central Business District) there are plenty of skyscrapers, but as soon as you leave that small area, Melbourne and its suburbs are as flat as the water in my picture (Melbourne can only be guessed in the distance). The Dandenong Ranges and Otway National Park, plus a few other hills in the Yarra Valley and the Mornington Peninsula send some peaks above the horizon line, but they are far from the heart of the city and Melbourne's suburbs are a monotonous collection of one floor houses, sometimes two spread on a few lean hills. Condos and apartment buildings are so rare, their contribution to a zig-zagging horizon line is minimal. Just in the recent year or two did this start to change. I miss the stairs in areas of Silver Lake and Santa Monica and the hills in Hollywood and Philadelphia. I miss the variety of tall buildings from NY and LA... I need to climb.

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