Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ouch! Gas Bill!

In the mild winter of Melbourne, where the coldest temperature was +3 degrees Celsius, and we turn on the heat for half a day only, our gas bill came at an exorbitant $390 per month. Yes, the house is big, and we use gas for heating, hot water and cooking, but we don't abuse any of these. There are two problems, one is the fact that houses in Oz have the poorest insulation and the other is that the newly introduced carbon tax trickles down from who has to cut emissions to us, who just try to stay warm, fed and clean, i.e., live decently. I am scared to look at the electric bill when it comes... But today I feel sad for the environment because I know my fat gas bill will not help it in any way. And about one more tax in Oz, the carbon tax, I feel frustrated and disgusted, because it's a useless way of stealing money from people and not contributing to any good cause. Today's picture is of a few flowers in my garden, much happier to be here than me.

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