Monday, October 8, 2012

Adjusting My Blog

When I started this blog, I confessed to trying to achieve two goals. One was that to create a routine for myself, where I'd write every single day, and which would help me strengthen the habit of writing. I am not a procrastinator and I don’t suffer of writer’s block, but I need to build routines so that other things I do are not interfering. I am thinking chores here: cooking, running errands, doing dishes, preparing healthy lunches, taking the kid to do her extracurricular activities, etc. Posting daily blogs helped me, indeed, sit down and dedicate time to writing. Besides the blog, I managed to write/revise/re-write my memoir and some personal essays. This is work-in-progress that benefited from the writing routine I developed. The second goal of my blog was to share with my friends and family from the Northern hemisphere as much as I could of the experiences I/my family had in Australia. Although we didn’t do much travelling between June, when I started posting, and now, even opening the back door to the garden offers encounters worth writing about (look at today’s picture, which I took just yesterday right in my backyard!). I shared most of the time things, impressions, experiences that I thought would not occur in the US or Europe, but you all would like to know about in an anecdotal way. Now I’d like to change my blog and commit to posting notable experiences whenever they occur and I have access to a computer. If I travel, it may be twice a day, like I wanted to do the other day in Sydney (if I only had Internet access all the time!). If routine swamps me for a few days, you may not read any new posts and that may as well be a sign I am finally adapting to life in Oz… Finally, if pictures only are what I can deliver, there will be at least that. So far, I enjoyed blogging, challenging myself to observe the uniqueness of Oz and to relate it from the eternal foreigner’s perspective (I am an eternal foreigner doesn’t matter how much I struggle to belong). I hope you continue this trip with me!

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