Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunrise in Sydney

I had such a wonderful evening with my friends the night before, in Sydney, I could not sleep. Still excited, I witnessed the sun rising just in front of my window, above the Sydney Harbor, a bit after five the following morning. It reminded me of the time I used to go to the Black Sea as a student (twenty years ago? Oh, no!), just once a year, and how I struggled to get up early and see the sun rising from the sea. For me, who lived away from the Black Sea, this was one of the most thrilling events of the entire summer. When I moved to California, I wanted to see the sun setting in the water as much as Tiziano wanted to meet a rattle snake. He did, this is not a sarcastic comment! Indeed, the sun's falling under the horizon line, just above the steel grey ocean, had an almost religious effect on me. The colors, energy and voice of the world before and after sunset and sunrise are polar opposites. So sitting at the window in my hotel room in Sydney, I relived solar transitions in many other places and times of my life.

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