Monday, August 17, 2015

Day 16 - Bonjour, Genève!

I was sad to leave Bern, but happy to go to Geneva.  It's the travel moods. La vieille ville is tucked in the heart of the town-starting at Bel Air, and is similar to the old Bern. Lots of hustle-bustle is concentrated on the Lake Lèman's shore, from the high end fashion and watch stores to restaurants and banks.  
This is the Rhône river rushing from the Alps and going into the lake. 
But the attraction is the Jet D'Eau.  
We played with it a bit at night...

I've seen more Arab/Muslim families here than anywhere else, on the streets, boutiques, Rolls Royces and restaurants.  Everything from water and coffee to Swiss watches is nauseatingly expensive.  

We had a true fondue traditional from the Valais region (see the interesting lights in this restaurant, which have a hand made handkerchief with embroidery covering the actual lightbulb), with a very tasty tomato salad.  This could not be complete without "framboise au crème Gruyère". Delicious to die for! Fresh and loaded with sweetness and flavor, although I had so much cheese and cream, my veins are thick...  I also had a white wine, but we had such a great time, I can't recall its name. 
We also had a "show" for dinner. French and Swiss people from surrounding tables got me into conversations and flirting and we witnessed even high tension moments. One French man ex legionnaire stirred up everyone like in a French movie, and we even talked about the old dictatorship in Romania!
Chloe couldn't enjoy these, but I thought it was a rich night
Final notes: 
1. Have you ever seen an automatic shoe polishing machine in the US? 
2. With so many bikes and pedestrian and bike areas, this is what many traffic lights look like
3. Geneva is a very friendly and humane city, and one way to facilitate it is to gather a bunch of chaise-longs under a wifi hotspot!
Tomorrow is our last day in Europe. We're already getting very nostalgic... 

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