Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I just learnt about this machine on Saturday night. The Alcolizer measures the level of alcohol in your blood, which thus indicated whether you can drive or not. This machine was at the exit from Melbourne's largest casino, right by the door going into the parking garage. Australia, Melbourne included, has huge problems with alcohol abuse, especially drunk driving. If there is a place from where it is very likely to leave in a tipsy state, that is the casino. Not only because it's Las Vegas size, but you either drink to sink losses or to celebrate gains. But before you step out of the building, you pay the parking and have a chance to reconsider whether you should drive or not. And calculate the fine, too... Alcolizer provides you with a straw and for a small donation, it gives you an idea about how far you've taken your alcohol intoxication. I like it, but I haven't seen anyone use it in the little while I took to read the instructions and to take several pictures.

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