Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Mighty Huntsman Spider

The first time I met one, the huntsman spider was sitting on the bottom of the roof, just above my head when I opened the main door. I screamed and ran away! Then I took a deep breath (isn't that what my mother taught me when I was in danger and had to stop the panic?), crawled back inside the house right under the spider (again, I know) and grabbed the killer spray. With miraculous force, I sprayed it from about 2 meters away, but what a useless, cowardly move! I got closer, sprayed and prayed, then felt so sorry seeing the poor creature fight the torturous chemical while melting away! Very sorry... They are large spiders without a web, but with a stealthy elegance. They run very fast sometimes, when threatened by a much bigger creature. But they eat flies and mosquitoes and are not aggressive with people. Tiziano and Chloe taught me that. I started to like the huntsman, and their size (huge, trust me) just made me think of them as of hairy-cuddly-elegant giants. It took me a while, and if Tiziano did not bring a few home to keep them as pets for Chloe, I would still be quite (unjustifiably) scared of them. They are social, too, so we probably have quite a number of them in the roof and garage. I still shiver when I see one, but I never kill them. I respect them, like Tiziano and Chloe do, and allow them to live with us. As long as they stay a bit further away... Look at this mother huntsman guarding her brood and tell me if she's not amazing!

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