Monday, June 11, 2012

Australian Passionfruit

It is dark purple, oval shaped, and looks like an inflated grape. Surprisingly, when the knife cuts through, you feel the resistance of the peel, not guessing how much air is inside. The purple peel is white inside, like compressed snow. The fruit per se is a golden juice laced around black pointy oval seeds, I know that, I just don't know how to describe to you the flavor held in it. I always dip my teaspoon in honey and then collect the passionfruit to put it in my mouth. The sweetness of honey and the tartness with exotic echo of the passionfruit form a perfect marriage. There is pineapple, lemon, love, heaven and sadness in my mouth. I am sure that if blindfold and opening my mouth to this elisir d'amore for the first time, I would have whispered just one word: passionfruit. Two kinds of passionfruit with which we indulge here in Oz during the summer, green-purple and gold-purple, are in my "artistic" picture of the day.

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