Saturday, July 7, 2012

Bikes for Rent in Melbourne

I know you will all laugh at this, but I only learnt to ride a bike in my first year in Australia. Confession: I was "over forty" years of age! In case you wonder, no, I haven't broken any bones, and no, there are no holes in the asphalt, in the fence and anywhere else around our court, where I took my "bike license." I ride the bike only every once in a while, although there are so many places where to ride the bike here! I just don't have a lot of time, otherwise, I could ride every day on Scotchman's Creek Trail, which passes nearby. Or even in the city, where as you see in the picture, there are plenty of bikes to hire. It's really nice to see that Melbourne has plenty of roads that accomodate bikes and has quite frequent bike hire stations. I don't know much about their safety, but I would ride mostly on sidewalks anyway, because traffic can be too much, especially during the week. Well done, Melbourne!

1 comment:

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    Your regards
    Alfaj Ripon
