Tuesday, July 3, 2012


It rained so much these days, I felt as if I was part of a moving mass of water, just like that of a waterfall. There are many of them in Australia, a surprise if you think of how little water is on this continent. But on the North-Eastern, Eastern and South-Eastern coasts precipitations are not scarce and rainforests thrive. The waterfall in the picture below is called Mackenzie Falls, which is located in the Grampians (Victoria). We visited these mountains on a wet, wintery day last year and it seemed like now, that water was not "raining", but we were already sunken and moving just through water. After visiting the falls, we took a side road, unsealed, and drove for a good distance not knowing really where we'd end up. The sky was more black than grey, rain was light like fog and the ground felt like a stream. The forest had areas of lower tree density, allowing just enough light to reveal wallabies and emus to us. We were startled by their Jurassic-Park-esque presence, but they disappeared with the same stealth as with which they had crossed our path. So then there was again just water left... We left the mountains and started driving towards Horsham, the city where we spent the night. The sky suddenly parted like an eye woken up from deep sleep and let us see the sun while setting on the horizon. And with all that rain and the sun, nature produced filtered the light into another of those sharp rainbows I cannot have enough of in Australia...

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