Friday, August 10, 2012

Olympic Games (Part 4)

Somehow I will link this post to the picture, which says (in a way!) "Annoy the bored!" The way Olympic Games and this graffiti connect is through the theme, which I think says "do something different, so I know you are thinking and it will wake me up from boredom." Maybe I used too many words to say it, but with these games and the apparent effort athletes put into all sports, nobody in the world should be bored. Everyone should be inspired! Australians are still whinging (yes, unlike Americans who "whine," Aussies "whinge"; I don’t even think this word is in Merriam-Webster) about their lack of high performance and low number of gold medals in these games. The wound is made worse, it's almost bleeding, by the poms (Brits) and kiwis (New Zeelanders) who have shown a better level of competitivity. I am not sure if Aussies are so laid back, they became "bored" even with the hard work, or this was just an unfortunate circumstance, an unbeatable level of performance. However, the exaggerated confidence of some Aussie athletes who seemed to picture themselves wearing the gold medals before they even left Oz was off-putting. I was not annoyed, but bored by it...

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