Saturday, August 11, 2012

Over a Milestone

I am writing today Post #101 and I see it as another daisy on a carpet of happy flowers, just like in today's picture, which is growing to celebrate my blog. This is a relative milestone, at which I celebrate the strength of not giving up writing for lack of time or inspiration. When you move to a new culture, hemisphere, medical system, education system and language, the way cars turn, kids greet you, and you flip an electric switch, first there is a shock time, when you cannot write. Then there is a time when events settle like coffee grounds in a good Turkish coffee cup. They settle and you can talk about them, about how change feels every day. In nine days we also celebrate the third anniversary of our move to Oz. On the time curve, the steep passing of days, weeks, months and now years, overwhelmed me, because in the beginning time felt motionless. I recall every day, with the weather and the interactions with people to find a house, to buy a car and to get a job. Three years was a time I could not think about back then, and if I did, most likely I would have thought about it as a time when I'd be back to the US. Somewhere, anywhere... But time healed the shock of change and friends here and everywhere in the world helped smoothen my adaptation. We discovered the best parts of Oz and indulged in the most beautiful experiences it has to offer. I think I remain a globe-trotter and an eternally pleased foreigner, so you'll read blogs for a lot longer than you expect... Thank you everyone for reading my posts, there is no better reward than sharing an experience with friends and readers.

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