Monday, September 10, 2012

Cape Otway Lightstation (and Some Smiles)

Today’s post was really not meant to be about this lighthouse, which of course, since I am in Oz, I will call it lightstation, like the locals. My post is about finally seeing some people, who after more than a year of brushing shoulders with me in the hallway at work, started to respond to my smile and greeting. They ignored me and in general they ignore everyone with whom they don’t work directly. We pass each other all the time, we use the same toilet, and we take the same elevator (lift!). They avoid looking at me, making me feel like I am riding the New York subway again. Finally yesterday, I broke a conversation with two of them, they smiled and even held the door for me to pass. I saw some “light” and this made me feel like what I assume were the immigrants coming to Australia and seeing the Cape Otway lightstation after months at sea… The hope! Cape Otway Lightstation is indeed beautiful and I only saw it during the day. The light has been in uninterrupted operation atop the towering sea cliffs since 1848. I believe that lit on the night sky, the white station has a magical effect on those coming from the sea. And I must add here that it’s not any sea area. I am talking about the rough sea of the Bass Strait, where the furious waters of the Southern Ocean collide between Tasmania and Australia. I will tell you later in another post about the many shipwrecks that make the history of the South parts of Australia. The lightstation is on The Great Ocean Road, West of Melbourne.

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