Friday, September 14, 2012

Insect Love

Yesterday's picture inspired me to write more about bugs. This in not necessarily your most favorite subject, but in Australia bugs represent a richer source of life and excitement than you can imagine. There are spiders, wasps, bees, stick and leaf bugs, butterflies and moths, termites and so on, just an endless list of amazing creatures. They are killers, such as the Sydney funnel web spider and even the centipedes or scorpions, but not many people die bitten anymore, as the anti-venome is widely available. Bugs don't kill people like people kill other people, in wars and criminal or terrorist acts, they just defend themselves and in the process they inflict some terrible pain onto us. What I wanted to write about bugs today was love. If you thought they are not capable of showing love, think twice. Just look at today's picture of two children’s stick insects, female in green and male in peach-brown! Seeing this natural affection certainly makes me feel love towards these bugs, too. I said in other posts that I rush out the door in the morning scared of the huge spiders hanging just outside the main entrance, but when I think about it, I realize I have to learn to ignore and respect bugs. They are not chasing me. I think they are after me, but are they? If I don’t bother a wasp nest in the garden, will I ever get stung? I think the variety of bugs and some of their incredible habits are a source of inspiration, too, which should make everyone love bugs. Tomorrow I will write about such a fact related to figs. Surprise!

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