Thursday, August 13, 2015

Day 12 - Hot Salzburg and Innsbruck

Hot, hot, hot: 91F today. 
Hot also as in attractive beauty! Both in Salzburg and Innsbruck, the ski capital of Austria. And water is not free here. We probably spent 20€ today only on still water to stay hydrated in the heat... Need to find a supermarket before going bankrupt! 

The fast intercity train (230 km/h or 150 mph) took us from Vienna to Salzburg in time to view at least the Thursday market, which left us with watering mouths at the strawberries, blueberries, red and black currant as well as raspberries on sale. But I kept thinking about how such a train would save Californians tons of time if the billet train were to be built between San Diego and San Francisco. It would also reduce the carbon emissions. Austrians allowed it in a country much smaller than California, but some Californians oppose it without thinking of its benefits. 

Today's impressions:
1. Viennese people speak English and are nicer and friendlier than the rest of the Austrians. 
2. Austrian food is all about meat and potatoes, but we found some great restaurants, such as this one in Innsbruck in an old church.
3. Best view of Salzburg and area is from the fortress above, Hohensalzburg.  Too bad it rained with tourists today and it was hard to get a good picture. I can only imagine the crowds in Paris and London... 
4. Salzburg Cathedral had free wifi. Where people prayed, we checked email, a sacrilege, and admired the magnificent interior. Not sure this was where Maria got married to Captain Von Trapp 😀
5. The train ride from Salzburg toInnsbruck is superb and besides the deer, mountains and lush green cultivated terrain, I loved the log cabins or houses with red geraniums cascading from under their windows and logs already prepared for the winter in their huge yards...

6. And back to Salzburg, we finally tried the sachertorte and found it delicious. Especially when eaten under (again!) the quirky street signs, below the fortress...


  1. Hello from LA! I have read your trip tonight since you left LA. Fascinating. 1) Did you know Zoe Scandalis played a tournament in Innsbruck 2 day ago? 2) Your parents garden is wonderful and they would be dear friends with my parents with their farming stories 3) Vienna looks like a place I want to visit, small crowds, lots of culture 4) I followed the trip on Google have covered tons of space 5) Keep writing and posting, I'll ask questions when you get back about the trip that I have.

  2. Hallo! As the Austrians say. We are maybe trying to cover too much, but we're loving the places, the sights and the journey. Absorbing as much as we can in this adventure. Is Zoe going to be in these parts longer? Sorry we missed her in Innsbruck. Indeed, our parents have a common spirit. They are content with nature and look for happiness in a "healthy" place.
