Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Day 9 - From Bucharest to Vienna

Bucharest is looking better every time I visit, which is about yearly. More buildings are renovated and therefore have clean facades that highlight their beauty. Most of them are historical buildings, like the Coltea Hospital in the center of the capital.  This is how it looks through the window of "La Placinte" - a fantastic restaurant serving traditional Romanian pies.

Romanian "placinta cu branza" is a traditional savory or sweet pie worth a million bucks!

We waved farewell to Bucharest and Romania with a visit to our "Central Park" named Cismigiu.  A quick paddle boat ride and we left...
La revedere, Bucuresti!

We arrived in Vienna late at night, but my guide for this trip, Chloe, pulled the city metro map out, got tickets and found the way to the hotel without a glitch! And this is our first time in a country whose language we don't speak at all. 

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