Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Aussie TV (1)

Most people in Australia do not have cable TV. That is because unlike in the US, one can see most Australian channels with a regular antenna, old fashioned, sitting atop the house. However, the number of channels and programs are limited. For example, we love watching the tennis Grand Slam tournaments, but on "regular" TV one can see only the Australian Open. IF any Aussie player makes it to a final in another Grand Slam, then maybe, maybe, maybe, we are lucky and one of the main channels shows the match. Do not feel bad for me though, because I can still watch the David Letterman Show some days of the week, really late... Until a couple of months ago, however, cable companies used to ask for a fat installation fee and were operating only with contracts. Contracts that were at least one or two year long. This tie and the high monthly price made it so unappealing, we never subscribed. But this changed recently, so we got cable without a binding contract and paid no installation fee. I wonder if there is a catch somewhere that we haven't discovered yet. Once we pay the first bill, I'll let you know! Aboriginal drawing from Uluru in today's picture.

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