Thursday, June 21, 2012

Weather Forecast

Today's blog entry is still related to TV, and I'll talk about weather again. This time, the forecast. I get up early in the morning and prepare for work. Like most people, I turn on the TV and I am confronted with 3 choices of local stations that present a forecast, and they only do so every 30 minutes. This frequency matches the "laid back" air of the Aussies... Although Australia is huge, and Melbourne is the second biggest city, there is no local forecast, just country wide. The minute of national forecast starts with Brisbane in the North East, quickly goes through Sydney and Canberra, after which I get my most frequent and anticipated "Melbourne, showers" news and a temperature. Sometimes the forecast refers to other smaller cities, too. The weather information is so thin, I know it's wise to turn off the TV, dress in layers, and pack sunglasses and umbrella in my purse! One TV channel has a nice weather report at 7AM, where currents of air and pressure are shown on the screen and a few more details are added to the forecast of the day. Another channel has a unique forecast. It's brief and useless, unless one has no other means to get weather information, and presented by a guy who is always traveling in Australia or in the world. I love it when he's in a sunny place, but all he can warn me is "Melbourne, showers and a maximum of 10 degrees"...

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