Friday, June 22, 2012

Hollywood Gossip

Oh, yes, they love it here! For a country of about twenty two millions, the number of celebrities in Oz is too low to afford enough gossip. I'm being sarcastic, but the reality is that every half hour of morning show on TV has a tiny bit of weather forecast, a few minutes of very limited news, some stock exchange news, price of gold and oil, and finally a good chunk of Hollywood gossip. Like it or not, you hear it all, just not at the extent presented on TMZ... Each TV channel has a reporter in the US, Hollywood or New York, from where they transmit infamous news about even more infamous celebrities. I must be the only one who doesn't care about it, especially at 6AM. I wish they cut the gossip in half, but were able to tell me if it will rain today in the North areas of Melbourne (sigh and see yesterday's blog entry). And here is my kind of celebrity, the goanna! This is NOT an iguana, my friends!

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