Thursday, July 19, 2012

In a Cave

Two years ago we visited East Gippsland, an area West of Melbourne that is rich in small rivers and lakes. About 300 million years ago, one of the rivers created the Fairy Cave in Buchan. Besides the common stalagmites an stalactites, there are beautiful drape-like structures that enchant the eye. The edge of such a "drape" is caught in the picture, clearly resembling a stone ribbon with a delicate trim. Contrary to the rules in the US, photography is allowed in the caves in Oz. I couldn't have been happier, because with this picture I, in fact, took with me some of the beauty of the cave. Nevertheless, when you are in a breath-taking cave and need to wait behind families and families taking pictures against the surreal structures, it is hard not to get a bit frustrated.

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