Sunday, July 15, 2012

Rockpooling in Bunurong NP

What a surprise this park is! We thought it was just another gorgeous coastline with cliffs and beaches, but Bunurong National Park turned out to be unique in beach structures, which include rockpools loaded with sea creatures between tides. This was the first time I heard of "algal gardens" and "seagrass beds." The beach had little sand, but lots of solidified sand, which seemed eroded by the water into round shallow pools. They remain filled with water during the tide when water retreats and sea creatures, algae, crabs and seastars remain to spend their time in the pools until the next tide. The pools thrive with colors and shapes and it's just hard to know where to stop and look for life. Can you see any shells in the picture? Final note: signs posted on the beach said that the rocks/soil exposed by the waters date back to when Australia and Antarctica were still tied to each other and were drifting off South.

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