Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Road Train

With school start, traffic increases, too. I am not sure why, but traffic is not only heavy because parents return to work and students to universitites, but for some reason there are also a lot more trucks on the roads. I feel traffic as vibration, which is produced by trucks heavily loaded and shaking up the road, by construction machinery that makes the road shiver under its weight, and by some really fast small trucks zig-zagging through cars and lights. Nothing compares though with the road trains, which are in fact not allowed in Victoria, but I "met" in the Northern Territory. These trucks have three trailers and create a wind tunnel when you cross their path. They would literally sweep cars and smaller (normal) trucks like feathers from the roads of Melbourne if they were ever allowed to drive in this urban area. Luckily I wasn't driving when we had to pass one of these road giants, because they are not just heavy (about 100 tonnes), but they are also very long, 35m to 50m! Tiziano could only pass them in the Outback of the Northern Territory, where the roads are straight for kilometers. Yet, I would love to ride such a road train at least once.

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