Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Day 2 - at home in Macin

 Last night we arrived in Bucharest, Romania's  capital. First discovery? Men still use suspenders here, even for jeans! 
I'm lucky! My best friend, Elena, picked us up from the airport and hosted us. We played with Peanut, her dog, in the wee hours of the morning, ate fresh bread with fish roe, 😳, and then went to sleep.  One important picture from Bucharest: that of the University where I studied! 

This morning, Elena drove us to Macin. Of the almost two hundred miles covered, one fifth was on a freeway, and the rest on small roads.  Holes, horse-drawn carriages, trucks, very old Dacia vehicles and luxury cars -- these were testing times... Sadly, Romania has still a very small number of freeways and transportation is primitive.  
Lots of sunflowers embellished the often primitive landscape of the Romanian countryside. 

We crossed the Danube at Braila on a ferry boat. Same old one that transported us for many decades before...

Finally, we arrived in Macin!
Best way to describe home is to talk about my parents. Tata, my father, is a retired Biology teacher and active farmer. His garden is a corner of paradise, which I don't even know where to start describing! 
Here are his beehives! 

And here is his best helper, NeluÈ›u! 

I'll go through the garden tomorrow! 
Noapte buna! (Good night!)

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