Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Day 4 - Of Bees, Abandoned Buildings, and Heat

I perceive all the bees in one beehive as one body.   At least one truly Royal family!  Despite the heat (37C or 98F), they fly and harvest all day, then at night they buzz around the entrance of the beehive to cool off and ventilate it. My father has four beehives, but they are more like four pets to him. Years ago, he mourned when disease decimated his bees.  For a while he couldn't start his apiary activity anymore. Just a few years ago, he restarted with one beehive, then one more and then two more.  

Walking through the streets of Macin, whee I grew up four decades ago, I feel divided emotions of pride and disappointment.  The town's commerce flourished after the Revolution in 1989, but it's a trade of knickknacks, the stores are built in small houses and can be easily taken as mini bazaars.  Prices are all over the place. Some people had initiative and made efforts to start even other businesses, but overall the town is full of contrast. Many people also go temporarily to other countries in Europe, work hard to make money and then return to build big houses in Macin.  On one hand, I can see how some buildings are pretty and modern. On the other hand, many other buildings, some private homes and some old headquarters, have been left unkempt or were abandoned. Town sores like this litter Macin. There are no funds to restore and rebuild...  I am so sorry to see the cinema theater and even the bus station fall apart!  I remember them full of life, centers of urban activity... 
Another hot day, slightly humid, when everyone is hiding in the shade. Good time to read, write... or sleep...

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